Evolving from manually written tests

Testing is one of the corner stones of writing reliable software. There is also e.g. code inspections and formal methods but that’s a topic for another post. Here, we will focus on unit testing with unit meaning an object or a Prolog module. This is a followup to our previous introductory post on property-based testing.

Manually written tests

Tests can (and often are) written manually. A good starting point when testing an object (or a Prolog module) is its public interface. For example, consider the enumerate/2 predicate declared in the randomp library protocol:

:- public(enumerate/2).
:- mode(enumerate(+list(term), --term), zero_or_more).
:- info(enumerate/2, [
    comment is 'Enumerates the elements of a list in random order. Fails if the list is empty.',
    argnames is ['List', 'Random']

From the predicate mode directive and description and also from typical predicate calls, we can start writing some tests:

test(random_enumerate_2_empty_list, fail) :-
    enumerate([], _).

test(random_enumerate_2_singleton_list, true(Random == 1)) :-
    enumerate([1], Random).

test(random_enumerate_2_non_singleton_list, true(List == [1,2,3])) :-
    setof(Random, enumerate([1,2,3], Random, List).

test(random_enumerate_2_non_repetitions, true(List == [1,1,1])) :-
    bagof(Random, enumerate([1,1,1], Random, List).

This is a valid approach to testing. But can also be a risky one as often the tests focus on familiar usage patterns of the code being tested. We can miss some less common cases. We can also miss some corner or unexpected cases. This is specially true when the tests are written after the code being tested and/or by same person that wrote the code, which can easily introduce bias.

Consider the following example taken from our previous post:

every_other([], []). 
every_other([_, X| L], [X | R]) :- 
    every_other(L, R). 

The predicate is supposed to construct a list by taking every other element of an input list. For example:

| ?- every_other([1,2,3,4,5,6], List).
List = [2, 4, 6]

Assume that we have written the following couple of tests:

test(every_other_2_empty_list, true(List == [])) :-
    every_other([], List).

test(every_other_2_non_empty_list, true(List == [2, 4, 6])) :-
    every_other([1,2,3,4,5,6], List).

The tests pass and we are happy. But the happiness doesn’t last. An angry co-worker or a customer comes back complaining about bugs that are eventually narrowed down to the following query failing:

| ?- every_other([1,2,3], List).

Oops! The predicate definition is buggy. We rush back to out test suite and notice that we failed to test lists with an odd number of elements! This is, of course, a simple example. Just a single predicate with a small number of clauses, even after fixing the bug. A simple code inspection would have noticed the bug.

But consider now a less trivial problem. For example, this StackOverflow question where we have as input a list of obj/2 terms and we want to output a list with all the elements that share the same first value removed. For example:

| ?- filter([obj(x,y),obj(x,z),obj(a,b),obj(b,c)], Filtered).
Filtered = [obj(a,b),obj(b,c)]

Can we solve this problem efficiently? Assuming that the elements of the list are ground, we can start by noticing that sorting the list will cluster together all elements that share the first argument in the obj/2 compound term. For example:

| ?- sort([obj(x,y),obj(x,z),obj(a,b),obj(b,c)], S).
S = [obj(a, b), obj(b, c), obj(x, y), obj(x, z)]

Note that the sort/2 is a standard built-in predicate. Any decent Prolog system should implement it with a worst case complexity of O(n*log(n)). After sorting, we can walk the list to filter it, which we can do in O(n). I suggested the following solution:

filter(List, Filtered) :-
    sort(List, Sorted),
    walk(Sorted, Filtered).

walk([], []).
walk([obj(X,Y)| Sorted], Filtered) :-
    walk(Sorted, X, obj(X,Y), Filtered).

walk([], _, Element, [Element]).
walk([obj(X,_)| Sorted], X, _, Filtered) :-
    delete(Sorted, X, Rest),
    walk(Rest, Filtered).
walk([obj(X,Y)| Sorted], _, Element, [Element| Filtered]) :-
    walk(Sorted, X, obj(X,Y), Filtered).

delete([], _, []).
delete([obj(X,_)| Sorted], X, Rest) :-
    delete(Sorted, X, Rest).
delete(Rest, _, Rest).

We have four predicates: a main predicate, filter/2, and three auxiliary predicates. A bug can lurk somewhere in any of the predicates. Should we test only the main predicate and assume that the tests will also cover the auxiliary predicates? Logtalk lgtunit tool supports code coverage at the predicate clause level, thus providing an answer to this question. But simply ensuring that all clauses are triggered by our tests is by itself a weak guarantee of correcteness. It doesn’t tell us if we test e.g. all possible corner cases for each predicate. But there is an alternative to write a relatively large set of tests.

Automatically generating tests

We can use property-based testing to automatically generate tests. The idea is that we define properties that our code must satisfy and then automatically generate tests that check that property by generating random arguments to input arguments and type-checking the output arguments. For the problem at hand, three properties stand out:

  • All elements of the output list must be in input list.
  • No two elements in the output list should share the first argument.
  • All elements in the input list whose first argument is not repeated must be in the output list.

We can implement these properties using the following predicate:

property(List, Filtered) :-
    filter(List, Filtered),
    % all elements of the output list must be in input list
        list::member(X, Filtered),
        list::member(X, List)
    % no two elements in the output list should share the first argument
    \+ (
        list::select(obj(X,_), Filtered, Rest),
        list::member(obj(X,_), Rest)
    % all elements in the input list whose first argument is
    % not repeated must be in the output list
    \+ (
        list::select(obj(X,Y), List, Rest),
        \+ list::member(obj(X,_), Rest),
        \+ list::member(obj(X,Y), Filtered)

But there’s a catch. Property-based testing requires that we be able to generate lists with obj/2 elements. The type and arbitrary library entities define a large number of types and generators for random values of most of those types but not for lists of obj/2 terms. The solution? We cheat! First we do a syntactic transformation from obj(X,Y) terms to X-Y terms as this standard pair representation is natively supported by the library. This transformation doesn’t change the semantics of the predicates being tested:

filter(List, Filtered) :-
    sort(List, Sorted),
    walk(Sorted, Filtered).

walk([], []).
walk([X-Y| Sorted], Filtered) :-
    walk(Sorted, X, X-Y, Filtered).

walk([], _, Element, [Element]).
walk([X-_| Sorted], X, _, Filtered) :-
    delete(Sorted, X, Rest),
    walk(Rest, Filtered).
walk([X-Y| Sorted], _, Element, [Element| Filtered]) :-
    walk(Sorted, X, X-Y, Filtered).

delete([], _, []).
delete([X-_| Sorted], X, Rest) :-
    delete(Sorted, X, Rest).
delete(Rest, _, Rest).

We must of course apply the same syntactic transformation to the property/2 predicate:

property(List, Filtered) :-
    filter(List, Filtered),
    % all elements of the output list must be in input list
        list::member(X, Filtered),
        list::member(X, List)
    % no two elements in the output list should share the first argument
    \+ (
        list::select(X-_, Filtered, Rest),
        list::member(X-_, Rest)
    % all elements in the input list whose first argument is
    % not repeated must be in the output list
    \+ (
        list::select(X-Y, List, Rest),
        \+ list::member(X-_, Rest),
        \+ list::member(X-Y, Filtered)

We can now use a property-based testing implementation such as Logtalk lgtunit tool QuickCheck implementation:

| ?- lgtunit::quick_check(
         property(+list(pair(char,char)), -list(pair(char,char)))
% 100 random tests passed
% starting seed: seed(25256,26643,1563)

But we can do better. If one of the generated calls to the property/2 predicate fails, we get a QuickCheck failure, as intended, but no actual indication of which of the three properties that we’re checking failed. For more informative failures, we can use assertions for each property. For example:

property(List, Filtered) :-
    filter(List, Filtered),
    % all elements of the output list must be in input list
            list::member(X, Filtered),
            list::member(X, List)
    % no two elements in the output list should share the first argument
        \+ (
            list::select(X-_, Filtered, Rest),
            list::member(X-_, Rest)
    % all elements in the input list whose first argument is
    % not repeated must be in the output list
        \+ (
            list::select(X-Y, List, Rest),
            \+ list::member(X-_, Rest),
            \+ list::member(X-Y, Filtered)

Are we done? Not really. The top-level interpreter is handy for quick interactive testing but running tests is usually automated using a continuous integration (CI) server. As lgtunit supports QuickCheck test dialects, we can easily move the tests to a source file:

:- object(tests).


        property(+list(pair(char,char)), -list(pair(char,char)))

    property(List, Filtered) :-


:- end_object.

Are we there yet? Well… no. A QuickCheck test can fail like any other test. When that happens, guided by the counter-example produced by QuickCheck, we debug the code and eventually fix it. To illustrate, let us go back to the initial example with the every_other/2 predicate. A simple test will expose the bug:

| ?- lgtunit::quick_check(every_other(+list(integer), -list(integer))).
*     quick check test failure (at test 2 after 0 shrinks):
*       every_other([0],A)
*     starting seed: seed(3172,9814,20125)

Besides the counter-example, every_other([0],A), the warning message includes the starting seed (which should be regarded as an opaque term) for the pseudo-random generator that are used by the arbitrary category predicates, called by the quick_check/1 predicate (the use of a pseudo-random generator is key for test reproducibility, as we explain next).

We can fix this particular bug by rewriting the predicate as follows:

every_other([], []).
every_other([H| T], L) :-
    every_other(T, H, L).

every_other([], X, [X]).
every_other([_| T], X, [X| L]) :-
    every_other(T, L).

By retesting with the same starting seed that uncovered the bug, the same random test that found the bug will be generated and run again:

| ?- lgtunit::quick_check(
         every_other(+list(integer), -list(integer)),
% 100 random tests passed
% starting seed: seed(3172,9814,20125)

When automating the tests, we need to keep the ability to pass the random seed that uncovers a bug to the tests object so that we can re-test. Test automation typically uses the logtalk_tester automation script. This script accepts an option, -r, to specify the starting seed. For example:

$ logtalk_tester -r "seed(3172,9814,20125)"

Which testing approach should be used

In general, there’s no need to choose. We can use both manually written tests and property-based testing. In some cases, is worth thinking of the manually written tests as a first line of defense, followed by (more) deep testing using property-based testing. Tests are also inevitably an operational documentation of the code expected behavior and semantics. The definition of code properties is particularly valuable in clarifying and documenting the expected semantics.

Note: The starting seed information and option require Logtalk 3.38.0 or later.